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  • Writer's pictureMike Gould

Of motorbikes and men

This week's blog was going to be about how a simple encounter becomes a piece of writing. You may remember the hare I mentioned in my second blog - the magic of nature. Well, that sighting led to me writing a short poem about the vivid, pulsing mystery of life, but I'm not going to upload it here. Not today. Part of writing well is being honest - finding truth in words, or using words to find truth. Too often my own writing tips over into imitation rather than truthfulness. And in the face of the stark, cold fact of reality sometimes writing isn't enough.

I learned that well-known children's writer Alan Gibbons son was killed in motorbike crash this week. I don't know Alan really, except that our books have appeared in the same series for Collins, Read On for which he was a series consultant. We also both presented talks and workshops a couple of summers back for the National Literacy Trust for schools around the country, including, sadly Kensington Aldridge Academy, the one next to Grenfell Tower.

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